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Document netser.doc
netser V1.00 -- Virtual Serial Device Driver for Networks
- September 18, 1994 -
Copyright (c) 1994 by Sam Yee. All rights reserved.
1. Legal Stuff
1.1. Copyright
The program, netser and its associated files are written and
copyrighted by Sam Yee. netser is SHAREWARE and the UNREGISTERED
version of netser may be distributed freely providing the following
restrictions are satisfied:
o Distributors may not charge more than the cost of a diskette used in
the distribution of this program.
o Distributors may only distribute the unmodified copy of the original
program, along with its documentation, and copyright notices intact.
o Commercial distribution is only possible with written permission
from the author.
1.2. License Agreement
The REGISTERED versions of netser may not be redistributed.
Redistribution is illegal, immoral, and strictly prohibited. The
licensed keyfile may be used on more than one machine if you own those
machines and that they are not for business use. Otherwise, different
keyfiles are required for each machine.
1.3. Disclaimer
This program and its documentation are provided "as is". No
warranties are made with respect to the accuracy, reliability,
performance or operation of this software and information. You are
using this program at your own risk. The author is not liable for any
damages that may have been caused by using this software.
2. Introduction
netser is a virtual device driver for accessing remote serial ports as
if they were local. Currently, it only supports TCP/IP with the
AmiTCP package. Support for other packages are planned. netser
emulates low-level serial device commands over the network. As a
result, your telecommunication (or "comm") program does not know, nor
does it care, where your serial port is really located. As you will
see, netser allows you to do things that have never been possible
Suppose you are running a two machine network at home through a
parallel port or Ethernet card. Wouldn't it be nice if one machine
could access the other machine's serial port? You can conveniently
call out to a BBS on any of the machines. You may even run a two line
BBS without buying a multi-serial card! And if you want to run a big
BBS, but you don't have enough expansion slots to populate with serial
cards. What you can do is get another (slower) machine and connect
the two together with Ethernet. netser will allow the BBS machine to
use the other machine's ports.
With netser and internet, you may run your favorite comm program on
your friend's serial port, which may be half way across the world.
This will save you long distance charges.
Now that Amiga LAN's exist, it would be convenient to dedicate one
machine on the LAN to hold modems that may be accessible to any other
machine on the LAN. (This is commonly known as a modem pool.) It is a
common thing on Unix LAN's. Your company will no longer have to drill
holes in the walls to equip each machine with a modem. As a matter of
fact, since not everybody needs a modem all the time, the modems can
be shared. Any way you put it, your company saves money. Because
most modems nowadays come with FAX capabilities , you can now fax from
And the list of possibilities goes on and on. The fact is, whatever
you do with the serial ports on your local machine, you can now do it
with remote serial ports. Only netser makes it possible!
3. Demo Restrictions
All restrictions apply to the server side of netser.
The demonstration version of netser allows connection time of 1 hour.
When the time expires, your comm program must be stopped and
restarted. Furthermore, there is a limit of one device that could be
opened by the server machine.
When you register the time limit will be eliminated. Registration
type A allows 2 devices, type B allows 4 devices, and type C allows
unlimited devices.
To register, please fill in the `Registration Form' and send it along
with the fee to the address in section `Contact Address'.
4. Requirements
netser runs on any Amiga(tm) with version 2.04 of the OS, running
AmiTCP. It has been tested to work with AmiTCP 3.0, but may work with
earlier versions. netser uses very little memory (perhaps 50K).
5. Installation
The netser archive contains the following files:
bin/netser - client program used by devs/netser.device
db/netser.imports - device unit configuration for client
db/netser.exports - authorization file used by server
devs/netser.device - exec device driver to be opened by comm program
serv/netserd - server ("daemon") to be started by inetd
doc/netser.doc - documentation in text format
doc/netser.guide - documentation in AmigaGuide format
s:netser.key - registration keyfile for netser
To install netser, unpack the archive into AMITCP:.
For example:
1> lha x DH0:netser100.lha AMITCP:
Copy the device driver netser.device into devs:
1> copy AMITCP:devs/netser.device devs: clone
Add the following line to AMITCP:db/inetd.conf:
netser stream tcp nowait root amitcp:serv/netserd
Add the following line to AMITCP:db/services:
netser 3000/tcp
The port 3000 is used for mere convenience. (Since I have an A3000, I
thought it would be a good number.) As long as it doesn't conflict
with your other services, you can set it to anything you like.
If you are having problems installing, I'll be happy to help you. See
contact address at section `Contact Address'.
6. Configuration
netser.device requires two configuration files, namely
db/netser.imports, and db/netser.exports. In the files, a "#" or ";"
forces a line to be ignored. db/netser.imports is used by the client
machine, while db/netser.exports is used by the server machine. Note,
you should not use tabs in the config files to separate fields.
db/netser.imports has the following format:
# local host[/port] remote-device/unit logfile
# unit (wildcards OK) ("" for none)
# ---- ------------ ------------------ ---------------------
0 localhost serial.device/0 "t:netser.log"
1 modempool #? "t:netser.log"
3 oldser.device/0 "t:netser.log"
4 "" serial.device/0 ""
Field 1 is the local unit number used by netser.device to determine
how connections are made. The number can be between 0 and 2 billion,
but bare in mind that comm programs typically allow units 0 to 99.
Field 2 specifies the machine name (or IP address) where the remote
serial port is to be found. The service port number is optional and
if none is given, the default is used. Field 3 is the device and unit
of that serial port. It may contain AmigaDOS wildcards. If wildcards
are used all remotely defined devices are tried until one can be
opened. Finally, field 4 is the file where you want all the logs to
be stored. File names with spaces must be enclosed in double quotes.
Log files are opened in append mode. If you do not want logging, just
enter "".
If either host[/port] or remote-device/unit is not given, a window
will be opened on the Workbench screen, allowing you to enter the
missing information. Click on Okay when you are done, or Cancel to
force device open to fail.
As a suggestion, you should configure a unit to use a serial port on
the local machine ("localhost"). This will test if all network
communication run smoothly.
db/netser.exports has the following format:
# local IP address allow/ Use startup cleanup logfile
# device/unit or pattern deny OwnDevUnit? command command ("" for none)
# ----------------- ---------- ------ ----------- ------- ------- --------------
serial.device/0 *.*.*.* allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
nullmodem.device/0 deny N "" "" ""
Field 1 defines the device and unit of the serial port you allow
clients to use. Field 2 and 3 control authorization to the serial
port. Field 2 is the IP address of the machine to grant or deny
access. AmigaDOS wildcards may be used. Field 3 determines whether
access should be denied or granted. When field 4 is set to Y,
OwnDevUnit.library will be used (if available) when opening the
device. If don't already know, OwnDevUnit.library allows programs to
use the serial port in an orderly fashion. Field 5 specifies the
command to execute prior to opening the device. The command must
return a result code of 0 or else the device will not be attempted.
The sixth field is the command that will be executed after the device
is closed. If you don't want any commands to be run, just enter "".
Field 7 specifies the file to which all logs will be written. Again,
enter "" for none.
To allow more than one machine to access a serial port, simply
duplicate the original line and change anything applicable, except for
the device/unit. For example:
serial.device/0 allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
serial.device/0 allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
serial.device/0 deny Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
The above allows hosts and to access serial.device/0,
but not
6.1. Modem Pool on a LAN
On every machine in your LAN, the db/netser.imports file should look
0 modempool * "t:netser.log"
And on the machine that holds all the serial ports, db/netser.exports
should look like:
serial.device/0 200.2.3.* allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
serial.device/1 200.2.3.* allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
serial.device/2 200.2.3.* allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
serial.device/3 200.2.3.* allow Y "" "" "t:netserd.log"
When a client machine opens netser.device,0 all the serial devices in
the server machine (e.g., "modempool") are attempted until one is
opened and quits if all of them are busy. As you can see, only those
machines in your domain are accessible to the serial ports.
7. How it works
The following diagram depicts the communication between the client and
remote machine.
<netser.device> <---> [netser] <-..-> [netserd] <---> [serial.device]
(((((( LOCAL MACHINE ))))))))) (NET) ((((((( REMOTE MACHINE ))))))))
[netser] and [netserd] are used to connect <netser.device> to
<serial.device>. [netser] is the client, and [netserd] is the server.
A custom and efficient protocol is used between [netser] and
When your comm program opens <netser.device> it launches [netser] and
[netser] tries to connect to the remote machine. When a connection is
made, inetd launches [netserd]. [netserd] then checks authorization
and opens the serial port.
When you quite your comm program, [netser] tells [netserd] to close
the serial port. [netserd] then exits and terminates the connection.
Finally, netser.device closes.
8. Using netser.device
To use netser.device, run your comm program the usual way. Select the
option to change the serial device and unit. Change from
"serial.device" to "netser.device". Select a unit defined in
db/netser.imports. For example, if you use the definitions in
db/netser.imports and you open netser.device,3 you are actually
opening oldser.device/0 at IP address
If the remote serial port is opened successfully, you should see some
information about netser on your terminal and which remote device you
are using. This is actually sent from the netser server on the remote
9. Logging
All log entries have a time/date stamp. The log entry types are
define as follows.
Client Log Messages
Trying <host>...
Client is trying to open connection with <host>
Closing remote device
Comm program is closing netser.device
select() error <code>
internal error <code> caused by select()
Opening <host>:<deviceunit> results in <resultcode>
Opening <deviceunit> at <host> results in <resultcode>
Connction closed by host (errno <code>)
netser server closed connection with client
error <code> is no error
Connection lost: quit comm prog now!
unable to receive bytes from the host
unknown host: <host>
<host> is not in your hosts file or your name server
try again with an IP address instead
tcp/netser: unknown service
the host does not have the netser service defined in the
serices file
socket() error
unable to open a socket
connect() error
unable to connect to host at a particular port number
check your host name and port number and try again
port number 0 is the default
Server Log Messages
Ping timeout
client is dead
server currently pings the client once every 5 minutes
select() error <code>
internal error <code> caused by select()
Connection from <IP-address> (port <port>)
A service request is made by <IP-address> at remote <port>
<deviceunit> already opened
an OpenDevice() call is made to <deviceunit> already
Opening <device>/<unit> results in <result>
reports the <result> of calling OpenDevice() on <device>/<unit>
bytes read: <read>; bytes written: <wrote>
i/o traffic
Connection closed by client (errno <code>)
client closed connection
errno <code> 0 is no error
Connection closed with client
we closed connection with client
<device>/<unit>: access denied
client is denied of <device>/<unit>
<device>/<unit>: access not declared
no access was granted for client to use <device>/<unit>
10. Performance and Compatibility
When sending characters using netser you may feel a delay in having
what you typed echo back. This is to be expected because of the
inefficiencies in sending bytes at a time instead of blocks, over a
network. netser.device has been tested with ZModem file transfers on
a 14.4kps V.32BIS modem. It was achieving rates of 1600cps using
localhost. On the same files, using serial.device directly, it was
getting about the same speed. And on a LAN, it was getting 238cps on
a 2400 baud modem. Therefore, it is safe to say that your network
speed determines the effective speed on using a remote modem. I have
not tested netser on bi-directional protocols, but would appreciate
any reports.
netser is very compatible with serial.device. I can't say it's 100%
because I can't prove it. So far, I have tested it with NComm, VLT,
and Term and it works fine. All the official serial.device commands
are supported. You can even check if the remote modem has its CD
light on.
11. Future Plans
Currently, I only have AmiTCP development documentation, so I can only
write and test netser for this package. When I get enough developer
information and resources, and if there is enough demand, I will port
netser to other network packages on the Amiga, such as AS225(tm),
Envoy(tm), Enlan(tm), and Parnet. Ports on Unix(tm), Windows(tm) NT,
and OS/2(tm) are a possibility. It would be really nice to use
PC/Unix-Workstation serial ports as Amiga serial ports!
12. Acknowledgements
Thank-you's go to...
- My co-workers at Taurus Ventures Inc. for beta-testing netser;
- The AmiTCP group at Helsinki University for their great work;
- Stephan Sürken for Text2Guide, which made creating AmigaGuide
documents easy; and
- Marc Tooley (mtooley@sfu.ca) for beta-testing netser.
13. Registration Form
----------------------- netser Registration --------------------------
Surname___________________________ Given Name_________________________
Company Name_________________ Type of Business________________________
Street Address________________________________________________________
City______________________________ Prov./State________________________
Country___________________________ Postal/ZipCode_____________________
E-Mail (please specify)_______________________________________________
Can the above e-mail address accept uuencode files?___
Network software and hardware you are using?__________________________
Where did you download netser?________________________________________
Version you have now__________________________________________________
Please mark with "*". Version you are registering:
[ ] A. 2 devices ..........$25US
[ ] B. 4 devices ..........$35US
[ ] C. unlimited devices ..$50US
Method of payment:
[ ] Money order
[ ] Personal cheque, please allow 3-4 weeks for clearance.
No personal cheques from outside of Canada.
[ ] Cash. Registered mail recommended.
I hold no responsibility for missing cash.
I have read the section `Legal Stuff' and agree with it.
_________________________ ___________________________________________
(Date) (Signature)
14. Contact Address
Registration fees, questions, ideas, comments, bug reports, etc.
should go to:
Snail Mail: Sam Yee
4595 Nanaimo St.
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada V5N 5J5
Internet: samy@sfu.ca
FidoNet: 1:153/765 (Terra Firma BBS (604) 434-3665)